Larry M. - Murfreesboro, TN

I found myself treading water in my career.  With Wade’s guidance, I realized my true passion and how it can become purpose.  That purpose led to a plan that encouraged me to seek opportunities I would not have otherwise known possible.  I am so grateful for his help, and more so for his patient voice and Christ centered structure of his leadership.

Carl C. - Murfreesboro, TN

A month ago I had no idea what I wanted to do after high school. Now not only do I know what I am good and passionate about, but I understand what steps I need to take to get me there.

Mandren S. - Oklahoma City, OK

Wade has been my mentor for the past 4 years. Within those 4 years I’ve been promoted 3 times! In my very first meeting he asked me what I wanted to be doing 5 yrs. from then and why. Wade immediately saw leadership qualities in me that I hadn’t seen in myself. He pushed me out of my comfort zone, but not before giving me the tools I needed to be successful. Those tools included how to frame content prior to presenting to gain buy in from my audience, effective networking, and how to master an interview. Wade has helped me better articulate and execute on my brand which has positioned me for success, and has helped me start to achieve my long term career goals.

Sarah S. - Boston, MA

Life. Changing. I only wish I had help like this before I started working. Just like most of my friends, I found a job and then just rolled with what came my way. What I did learn is what I didn’t like doing unfortunately learning most of that the hard way. I didn’t know how to begin a change. It has been hard to get on a different path, but with help (of the CLG team) I am now confidently moving in the direction where I should have started many years ago.

Susan T. - Padre, TX

… Wade has a way to motivate and inspire to achieve goals that seemed unreachable. Much of my success can be pinpointed to his leadership and guidance. It is very rare you work for someone that truly cares about their people, their success while achieving business goals, he is truly one! A leader of integrity which I am thankful to have been under his mentorship. If you ever have a chance to work with him, do not hesitate to do so!

Nathan T. - Nashville, TN

James has an ability to recognize talent even when it is hidden behind layers of immaturity and lack of specific knowledge. I know this from experience, because I continue to benefit from the attention that James gave to my development in my early career.

Julie B. - Oklahoma City, OK

Wade balances Leadership with career coaching, visionary direction, and most of all diplomacy. Wade builds great relationships by focusing on the how not just the results.. helping expand with an executable plan is an immeasurable plus. Wade is a very thoughtful Leader who brings out the best in anyone fortunate enough to work with and for him.

Holly M. - Austin, TX

He is a centering force of wisdom, group agility, and professionalism… He invested in me by providing me with solid, clear guidance couched with gentle but professional candor. He is a pillar of integrity. He has never steered me wrong in any of the guidance he has provided me.